Huawei continues to work towards positioning itself in the Latin American market, primarily by boosting its enterprise and cloud business units. 

These two areas are integrated to generate the concept of “Digital Infrastructure”. Cesar Funes, Vice President of Institutional Relations at Huawei for Latin America and the Caribbean, explained: “We have always been focused on building infrastructure and connectivity, but today that is complemented by computing power and storage. Data is generated in the devices, but it has to be transported and processed, so we add the element of connectivity to the data centers, what we call “digital infrastructure”.

Partners Strategy

In the Enterprise business unit, Huawei works primarily through channels, and they expect to replicate this same business model for Huawei Cloud. “In some of our major offices there will be a partner area that will be independent of whether they sell connectivity, cloud or data centers. Our focus will be on strengthening the development mechanism of partners at all levels, so that we do not have to be subject to a project for the channel to grow”, said Funes.

“Huawei is fully committed to the partner strategy, it is a corporate guideline. Being a relatively new company in the region, we are more aggressive in our strategy”

In addition, the Vice President of Institutional Relations at Huawei for Latin America and the Caribbean highlighted the company’s flexibility with its business partners. While the brand can maintain a strict profile for mutual commitments such as certifications or investments, they are willing to talk with all their partners and negotiate terms, something that is attractive to many companies working with Huawei.

Growing with the use of technology 

Latin America is a region of great importance for Huawei, where they maintain relations with governments in different countries and hope to contribute to the digital development of the territory by covering the various needs that arise in each area.

“The region is very relevant to us, it is a vast geography with some very large economies and others very small, and with very broad needs. Considering this panorama, the highest aspiration of Huawei is to continue contributing to the growth of Latin America, and that it does so through the use of technology”, concluded Funes.