In recent years, the importance of web and mobile analytics tools has grown exponentially. These platforms empower analysts, marketers, and even designers with data and insights, allowing them to optimize the experiences that users have in their digital assets.

Google Analytics, the most widely used web analytics tool in the world, has recently launched its new version, Google Analytics 4.

In this new version, Google has completely changed the way it collects information, leaving aside the current system based on ‘hits’ and entering a new data collection model.

Among other functionalities, the new version allows unifying different information sources (specifically App and Web) in one place. It also adds general improvements in user-level identification, alerts based on AI, simplification in the configuration of events and interactions, and an improved reporting system.

“When it comes to wondering if we should go completely to GA4, the answer is not that simple. The new platform is still in its first steps, so it is recommended to implement it in a dual way with the current version, and thus generate historical data while taking advantage of the new functionalities,” suggests R/GA Buenos Aires Associate Director of Marketing Sciences, César Requena.

Cesar Requena

“Anyone who works with websites or mobile applications should be aware of the main changes and benefits that this new version of Google Analytics brings. For this reason, at R/GA we have developed a short e-book to be able to tell you about these innovations in detail,” explained R/GA BA’s Executive Director of Data & Marketing Sciences, Martín Carniglia.

Martín Carniglia

To learn more about Google Analytics 4 new features, download the ebook “Discovering the potential of Google Analytics 4”.