As part of the celebration of VeeamON 2024, the company held Partner Day, where it gathered its business partners for half a day to advance the news that would be communicated in the coming days, and award the most outstanding resellers with the Americas Impact Partner Awards. Veeam seeks to maintain its consistency around the world, so they are constantly working to improve the capacity and business of their partners through programs, certifications, conferences and more.

“Partners always place 2 orders with us: margins of protection and big business deals with NSQ, the term we use at Veeam to refer to discounts. In January 2024 we told partners that we will protect their margins in a discount scenario. Veeam is increasingly selling to corporate customers and there are more complex negotiations, so these discounts are critical. Partners were very excited about these ads,” said John Jester, Chief Revenue Officer at Veeam.

Following the announcements that Veeam gave its partners, from now on, every time a partner gets a new customer with Veeam solutions, it will be given better opportunities to renew those contracts. Through the new products that the company brings to the market, such as Veeam Data Cloud or kubernetes protection, they will be able to get new customers, and with them, a recurring gain. Also, in January the new incentive called 5 Star was announced, which gives an extra 10% margin to partners who get new customers.

“We are always dedicated to our partners. We offer them predictability, profits and constant improvements in our partner program”

-John Jester

VeeamON 2024 had a large call for partners, so it will be easy to bring all of the company’s news to end customers, as well as communicating what Veeam’s strategy will be based on this year.

“The new message we’re bringing to the market is that we’re changing from Backup Replication to a more cybersecurity-focused strategy. There are many new alliances and functionalities, also acquiring Coveware for our suite of solutions. In addition, the new alliances we have with Sophos, Red Hat were mentioned, Veeam was always agnostic, and we now have strategic alliances with industry leaders, so that the customer can back up their data anywhere”, commented Sara Wilson, Senior Director and Channel Sales in Latin America for Veeam.

“Our goal is to bring all partners to a regional quota, so that both they and Veem reach targets across the territory”

-Sara Wilson

To advance business objectives, Veeam invests in generating demand for the partners. The brand performs an analysis of the business of each partner, in order to design a business plan and know what is its objective, how much they seek to grow and how the manufacturer can contribute to that strategy.

Growing with Veeam

John Jester said Veeam is going through a transition process that will generate great business opportunities for partners. In principle, customers are increasingly aware of cybercrime. If a user wants to use Veeam Data Platform, a reseller should approach certifying the environment, ensuring they have the right architecture and best practices. When they pass that check, Veeam will provide a $5 million guarantee to that customer if they cannot recover their data after an incident.

“This only works if partners offer their support and support to the end customer. We use our program to get partners ready. That’s a great opportunity for partners, when we work together on cybersecurity, they can provide professional services,” Jester said.

In addition, demand for Veeam Data Cloud is growing, and customers also need partners to help them migrate their data to the cloud, perform the set up and the corresponding configurations. Similarly, at the beginning of the year Broadcom acquired VMware and changed its licensing system. This made customers wonder how they can optimize their status in VMware or what workloads they will keep in VMware, which will move to Microsoft, AWS or GCP.

Veeam… it just works

Martin Colombo, Senior Director for the MCA region in Veeam, said that the key factor for the success of the brand are its solutions and the confidence they have in its effectiveness. In this regard, Veeam offers a free trial month for its services. Most likely, in that time, the customer will have some inconvenience in their system and can corroborate the quality of the product.

“One of the slogans that the company implemented a few years ago was ‘Veeam, it just works’, Veeam simply works. And it’s certainly true. In 12 years I’ve worked at the company, I haven’t had more than 10 support cases. Veeam trusts the quality of our solutions faithfully,” Colombo said.

“We are number one market share, we have the largest companies, the highest growth percentages, best support and NPS technology. The main factor contributing to Veeam’s success is our solutions”

-Martin Colombo

Likewise, Sara Wilson highlighted the company’s partner program, which was distinguished as a “partner program of the year”, demonstrating Veeam’s commitment to its ecosystem. “Our partner program is simple, robust and full of incentives,” she said.

To conclude, John Jester listed the reasons why any partner should choose to work with Veeam. “First of all, we are the number one in market share for Data Protection, so you will be working with a market leader. Then, we kept adding solutions to our portfolio, we had Veeam Data Platform, now we added Veeam Data Cloud and Kasten by Kubernetes. In addition, they will have a great opportunity for growth thanks to our customer base. We have 550 thousand customers worldwide, so they can acquire new customers or grow with them”.