Kodak Alaris aims to develop advisory channels

We met with Ariel Abrancato, Latam Managing Director of Kodak Alaris, who analysed market opportunities, and referred to the support they are providing to each channel so that they have the ability to provide a value proposition to their customers in their digital transformation processes.

During the meeting, Ariel Abrancato assured that in the Caribbean region there is a growing need for new technologies. Different service companies are evaluating how they can improve their processes. In this regard, Kodak Alaris performs different proof of concept and hours of professional integration services. ” Our great integrators lead us to clients who are looking to solve some problems in terms of interpretation of information and we are working very well in the Caribbean”, shared the executive.

And he added: “The DNA of Kodak Alaris in all regions is to work with partners and the goal is to accompany them, not only at the time of purchasing their equipment, but also throughout the process of selling out,” he said.

“My goal is to understand exactly ‘the photo’ of each partner’s need to see how we can accompany; if it is with training, with more information, developing proof of concept in their customers, Generating greater interest in areas where they had not been working”.

Reinventing to Add Value

Abrancato noted that many partners are in the process of reinventing themselves along with Kodak Alaris. “When there is an opportunity, the one who is most prepared, the one who has the most developed tools to be able to land in the market is the one who gets the best result. Our job is to keep all of our channels informed, keeping up with our new releases, our integrations, how we can increase market share and that each of them understands that there is a whole readjustment”, he said.

In line with this, the interviewee explained that the market of Kodak Alaris is very dynamic: “It is not about selling a ‘commoditizable’ product, which remains unchanged for many years, these types of technologies require constant re-education, of a constant new knowledge about new technologies that can integrate solutions into customers and that every day new needs appear”. And he clarified that although it is a trend that is beginning to be evident, “it is not common for an entrepreneur to stand up and say ‘I will integrate all my systems’, but it must be a proactive action of the brand partners, and that in order to arrive at such a proposal there must be a level of comprehensive knowledge which enables them to take this first step of interpreting the client’s need, and then jointly develop a proof of concept”.

Advisory channels

To do this, Abrancato reported that the idea of Kodak Alaris is to have advisory sales channels in each of the countries that make up its region, which must have that knowledge to be able to identify the need, the conventional transactional sales channel does not reach.

“There is a process of re-education of some channels that have today this consultative profile and there is a process of recruitment of new channels in each of the countries of Latin America”.


Once you get to a proof of concept on the client, the executive assured that the conversion rate for that opportunity is “virtually 100%”, since it requires several prior meetings with the client in order to be able to identify exactly the need and put together a tailor-made proposal.

“We are a company that offers very robust hardware solutions, of the highest quality, with a huge portfolio of equipment, for a small or large corporation, a team suitable to your need. Kodak is synonymous with quality, but this is something else. This is the advisory sale, because change requires a transformation of the whole ecosystem; we need to transfer this knowledge, the company’s research and development hours in integrating different solutions to business partners who have that profile so that they can land on the customer identifying their need”, he concluded.