Kodak Alaris and Veritree partner to help in agroforestry restoration in Rwanda

Kodak Alaris, recently announced its partnership with Veritree, important restoration platform that connects companies with verified tree planting projects. The agreement will focus on encouraging agroforestry projects, an approach to sustainable land use that integrates various elements, such as trees, crops and sometimes animals, to create a sustainable ecosystem.

As part of the initiative, 40,000 trees will be planted in eastern Rwanda this year, helping to restore the damage caused, in part, by unsustainable farming practices that have led to soil erosion and landslides. The agreement will address other challenges facing Rwandans: nearly 32% of children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition, and almost one fifth of the population is food insecure.

“At Veritree, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive meaningful change, and partnering with Kodak Alaris is a testament to that belief. Kodak Alaris’ commitment to paper reduction through intelligent document processing solutions corresponds to its dedication to re-imagining corporate responsibility for a sustainable future”, commented David Luba, co-founder and association director of the organization specializing in solutions for companies, based on nature.

Veritree and Kodak Alaris will work together to achieve several goals, including:

  • Provide 800 working days to Rwandan farmers while reforesting 16 hectares (equivalent to 30 football fields).
  • Increase access to nutrition by more than 700%.
  • Reduce severe food insecurity for Rwandan peasant families from 56% to 8%.
  • Hijack 2,174 tons of carbon, rushing the removal of 473 cars from circulation, for a year.

“Our purpose as a company is to provide companies with the tools they need to digitize, simplify workflows and enable paperless strategies,” says Jay Mathewson, Director of Environment, Health and Safety at Kodak Alaris.

Through life cycle design, we are reducing the environmental impact associated with our products, yet we want to do more. The partnership with Veritree complements this mission, enabling us to actively contribute to reforestation and ecosystem reconstruction through sustainable agricultural practices.

The project is part of the commitment and drive that Kodak Alaris promotes to help companies meet their sustainability goals.

You will find more information at www.veritree.com/impact-hub/kodakalaris