The Consumer Electronics Show, better known as CES, is the world’s largest electronics trade show, where all the companies make their new announcements for the rest of the year, and Trust is proud to announce that it will be part of its 2022 edition, revealing its new line of products for next year.
During the event, Trust will present for the first time the latest additions to its Gaming and Home & Office lines that will reach the market in 2022. These include a broad portfolio of innovative products for a wide range of users from telecommuters to enthusiastic gamers, covering all needs and price segments.
“2021 was an excellent year for the brand, and we can’t wait to show you all the new products that Trust is preparing for 2022 under our Gaming and Home & Office lines based on what we have learned during this year. We invite those who have the opportunity to visit us, and try our new releases exclusively during the event,” said Vanesa Docampo, Marketing & Business Development Manager of Trust in Latin America.
Those interested in learning about the company’s latest news will be able to visit its official suite located in Suite 29-323 of the Venetian Resort, in the Tech West section, between January 5 and 8, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm local time. Previously they should coordinate an appointment for the event with a Sales Executive of the company by visiting this link.