Tenable presented its new Tenable OT Security exposure management platform, integrated with Tenable One, which provides a comprehensive view of assets across IT and operational technology (OT) environments.
Both the OT and the Internet of Things are increasingly present in production plants, data centers or offices. But just as many companies are adopting these technologies, so too are cybercriminals.
“Cybercriminal organizations use the technologies of the networks to access them, therefore, the surface of attack has expanded. Threats evolve along with technology, and this is transversal, as it affects all types of organizations, both private and public, even governments are increasingly focused,” said Alejandro Dutto, Director of Security Engineering for Latin America and the Caribbean.
As OT and IoT assets become increasingly connected, cyber-attacks commonly originate in IT systems and then spread into OT environments, causing extensive damage.
“More than half of the total data exposed in 2022 come from Latin America”
-Alejandro Dutto
In this sense, the role of the CISOs has changed completely, as they must ensure the protection of OT and IoT in their companies, as well as manage more risks and greater responsibilities.
Among the main challenges they face, is the fragmented visibility, because when making use of so many equipment, it is difficult to keep track of inventory and maintenance of them; then there are risks not anticipated, because although the environment is isolated from the network, it is possible to access remotely; and finally the lack of tools that communicate the cloud, the corporate network, the OT and all the sites where company data is stored.
Faced with this context, Tenable proposes to companies to work under the philosophy of an “industrial safety framework”. Tenable OT Security provides constant monitoring of the state of the company through a universal risk management language.
“We are the largest company in safety, operational management and plug-ins. We have achieved that all the information that Tenable OT Security receives can be disseminated in all areas of the organization,” said Juan Lara, Director Sr of Operational Security Engineering.
-Juan Lara
The platform combines extensive vulnerability coverage, encompassing IT assets, cloud resources, containers, web applications, identity systems and OT and IoT assets, with data analytics to prioritize actions and reduce cyber risk. This provides:
- Comprehensive visibility beyond the IT environment, encompassing the modern attack surface.
- Intelligence to mitigate operational risks.
- Actionable planning and decision making across business environments and critical infrastructure.
“This will change the way we handle data in an enterprise environment. A company’s production line can be compared to other systems, and thus evaluate and make decisions regarding all groups. This platform allows to measure the impact over time to know where to invest,” explained the Director of Operational Safety Engineering.
Tenable OT Security is already available for sale to the partner, and being integrated with Tenable One, the company ensures that it does not require a specific reseller profile, but that any Tenable partner can access it.